• Coverage limits options from $10,000 to $300,000
  • Deductible options from $0 to $3,000
  • Option to include 120 days stable pre-existing conditions or no coverage for pre-existing conditions
  • Be a visitor to Canada, a person with a Canadian work visa or super visa, an immigrant to Canada or a Canadian resident who is not eligible for a provincial or territorial government health insurance plan in Canada
  • Be at least 15 days of age
  • Not be traveling against the advice of a physician or diagnosed with a terminal illness
  • Coverage limits options from $10,000 to $300,000
  • Deductible options from $0 to $3,000
  • Option to include 120 days stable pre-existing conditions or no coverage for pre-existing conditions


Emergency hospital and medical treatment for sickness or injury

Reasonable and customary cost

Paramedical service – chiropodist, chiropractor, osteopath,physiotherapist, optometrist or podiatrist

Up to $500 per practitioner


Up to $500 with a 365 days policy

Prescription drugs

Limited to a 30-days supply

Treatment of dental accident

Up to $3000 (Up to $500 for dental pain)

Accidental Death and Dismemberment including fight accident coverage

Up to sum insured or $150,0000 maximum

Repatriation when approved in advance by Ontime Care

Cost of one-way economy airfare or additional airline seats for stretcher or medical attendant

Preparation and return of remains in the event of death

Up to $10,000

with stable pre-existing conditions coverage option 0 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
Up to 25 $1.70 $2.04 $2.27 $2.49 $3.59 $4.30
26-40 $1.86 $2.22 $2.49 $2.74 $4.02 $4.66
41-60 $2.14 $2.55 $2.86 $3.11 $4.95 $5.75
61-64 $2.44 $3.11 $3.73 $4.02 $4.98 $6.16
65-69 $3.00 $3.91 $4.72 $5.09 $5.94 $7.40
70-74 $4.85 $6.32 $7.60 $8.35 $9.79 $12.17
75-79 $5.80 $7.54 $8.96 $9.88 $11.59 $14.41
80-85 $11.48 N/A $17.76 $19.58 $22.95 N/A
86+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


without stable pre-existing conditions coverage option 0 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
70-74 $3.82 $4.99 $5.99 $6.59 $8.12 N/A
75-79 $4.59 $5.98 $7.11 $7.83 $10.32 N/A
80-85 $6.23 $7.88 $9.69 $10.43 $13.94 N/A
86+ $9.57 $12.37 $14.90 $16.40 $22.30 N/A


with stable pre-existing conditions coverage option 100 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
Up to 25 $1.62 $1.94 $2.16 $2.37 $3.41 $4.09
26-40 $1.77 $2.11 $2.37 $2.60 $3.82 $4.43
41-60 $2.03 $2.42 $2.72 $2.95 $4.70 $5.46
61-64 $2.32 $2.95 $3.54 $3.82 $4.73 $5.85
65-69 $2.85 $3.71 $4.48 $4.84 $5.64 $7.03
70-74 $4.61 $6.00 $7.22 $7.93 $9.30 $11.56
75-79 $5.51 $7.16 $8.51 $9.39 $11.01 $13.69
80-85 $10.91 N/A $16.87 $18.60 $21.80 N/A
86+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


without stable pre-existing conditions coverage option 100 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
70-74 $3.63 $4.74 $5.69 $6.26 $7.71 N/A
75-79 $4.36 $5.68 $6.75 $7.44 $9.80 N/A
80-85 $5.92 $7.49 $9.21 $9.91 $13.24 N/A
86+ $9.09 $11.75 $14.16 $15.58 $21.19 N/A


with stable pre-existing conditions coverage option 1000 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
Up to 25 $1.36 $1.63 $1.82 $1.99 $2.87 $3.44
26-40 $1.49 $1.78 $1.99 $2.19 $3.22 $3.73
41-60 $1.71 $2.04 $2.29 $2.49 $3.96 $4.60
61-64 $1.95 $2.49 $2.98 $3.22 $3.98 $4.93
65-69 $2.40 $3.13 $3.78 $4.07 $4.75 $5.92
70-74 $3.88 $5.06 $6.08 $6.68 $7.83 $9.74
75-79 $4.64 $6.03 $7.17 $7.90 $9.27 $11.53
80-85 $9.18 N/A $14.21 $15.66 $18.36 N/A
86+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


without stable pre-existing conditions coverage option 1000 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
70-74 $3.06 $3.99 $4.79 $5.27 $6.50 N/A
75-79 $3.67 $4.78 $5.69 $6.26 $8.26 N/A
80-85 $4.98 $6.30 $7.75 $8.34 $11.15 N/A
86+ $7.66 $9.90 $11.92 $13.12 $17.84 N/A


with stable pre-existing conditions coverage option $2500 deductible 
  $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
Up to 25 N/A N/A $1.59 $1.87 N/A N/A
26-40 N/A N/A $1.74 $2.06 N/A N/A
41-60 N/A N/A $2.00 $2.33 N/A N/A
61-64 N/A N/A $2.61 $3.02 N/A N/A
65-69 N/A N/A $3.30 $3.82 N/A N/A
70-74 N/A N/A $5.32 $6.26 N/A N/A
75-79 N/A N/A $6.27 $7.41 N/A N/A
80-85 N/A N/A $12.43 $14.69 N/A N/A
86+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


without stable pre-existing conditions coverage option $2500 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
70-74 N/A N/A $4.61 $6.09 N/A N/A
75-79 N/A N/A $5.48 $7.74 N/A N/A
80-85 N/A N/A $7.30 $10.46 N/A N/A
86+ N/A N/A $11.48 $16.73 N/A N/A


with stable pre-existing conditions coverage option$3,000 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
Up to 25 $1.19 $1.43 $1.59 $1.74 $2.51 $3.01
26-40 $1.30 $1.55 $1.74 $1.92 $2.81 $3.26
41-60 $1.50 $1.79 $2.00 $2.18 $3.47 $4.03
61-64 $1.71 $2.18 $2.61 $2.81 $3.49 $4.31
65-69 $2.10 $2.74 $3.30 $3.56 $4.16 $5.18
70-74 $3.40 $4.42 $5.32 $5.85 $6.85 $8.52
75-79 $4.06 $5.28 $6.27 $6.92 $8.11 $10.09
80-85 $8.04 N/A $12.43 $13.71 $16.07 N/A
86+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


without stable pre-existing conditions coverage option $3,000 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
70-74 $2.67 $3.49 $4.19 $4.61 $5.68 N/A
75-79 $3.21 $4.19 $4.98 $5.48 $7.22 N/A
80-85 $4.36 $5.52 $6.78 $7.30 $9.76 N/A
86+ $6.70 $8.66 $10.43 $11.48 $15.61 N/A


Coverage $100,000 with pre-existing option Super Visa insurance 
deductible $0 $100 $1,000 $3,000
41-60 $1,806.75 $1,716.41 $1,445.40 $1,264.73
61-64 $1,817.70 $1,726.82 $1,454.16 $1,272.39
65-69 $2,168.10 $2,059.70 $1,734.48 $1,517.67
70-74 $3,573.35 $3,394.68 $2,858.68 $2,501.35
75-79 $4,230.35 $4,018.83 $3,384.28 $2,961.25
80-85 $8,376.75 $7,957.91 $6,701.40 $5,863.73

Method 1. buy online

Method 2. You don't need to come to the office to meet me, you only need all the information and email([email protected]/  [email protected]) or call (416-834-9204; 905-771-8288;604-637-2195;1-877-834-9204),You can get the  electronical  Confirmation of insurance the same day.


Method 3.You can also call me to  make an appointment , then I will explain it to you in detail before you purchase it. 

A. The information I need :
1.The insured Last and First name, Gender, Date of Birth 
2.The date of entering to Canada or the effective date of the insurance  ;  
3.Plan (Which product, coverage , deductible or not) ;  
4.Purchase days (Or you can tell me the starting date and ending date) ; 
5.Beneficiary name ( For AD&D- It can be prarents, siblings and so on)  
6.mailing address in Canada  including Postal code , contact phone No. and email ;

B. Payment method:credit card- No. expiry date , the name of card holder and the 3 digits of  the back of thecard 

application form 


投保日期有限制吗, 一次买多少保险额最合适? 
◦没有,保费是按天计算的,但是每张保单最低保费为$25元.如果探亲老人年龄较大,甚至有慢性病,最好买时间长点,半年或一年,和保额更大些,2.5万或5万。保费通常与受保人的年龄和所购买保险额度及购买天数有关,一般来说,年龄越低,额度越小保费越便宜,相反,年龄越高,保额越大,则保费相对贵一些。在这里请特别注意一点。购买旅游保险 JF Premier Visitor-ETFS 计划的保费是按照申请日的年龄而不是生效日的年龄来计算. 提前购买会为自己节省许多保费。另外对跨年龄段的受保人,在买保险时一定要考虑续保时由于年龄上一个台阶,保费会增加不少,所以更要考虑买长久一点。比如说,年龄从60到61,64到65,69到70,74到75 等等。


JF Royal Visitor to Canada  


Emengency and hospitalized patient claim procedure

Please call  Ontime Care Worldwide Inc.("OTC"). immediately

Canada and USA Toll Free :1-888-988-3268

other country paid phone: 905-918-0188


Don't assume your surrounding people called Ontime Care Worldwide Inc.("OTC").. Before emergecy or hospitalzed treatment, Please notify Ontime Care Worldwide Inc.("OTC") within 24 hours 




  • Be a visitor to Canada, a person with a Canadian work visa or super visa, an immigrant to Canada or a Canadian resident who is not eligible for a provincial or territorial government health insurance plan in Canada
  • Be at least 15 days of age
  • Not be traveling against the advice of a physician or diagnosed with a terminal illness
Coverage limit
  • Coverage limits options from $10,000 to $300,000
  • Deductible options from $0 to $3,000
  • Option to include 120 days stable pre-existing conditions or no coverage for pre-existing conditions
Highlight Benefits


Emergency hospital and medical treatment for sickness or injury

Reasonable and customary cost

Paramedical service – chiropodist, chiropractor, osteopath,physiotherapist, optometrist or podiatrist

Up to $500 per practitioner


Up to $500 with a 365 days policy

Prescription drugs

Limited to a 30-days supply

Treatment of dental accident

Up to $3000 (Up to $500 for dental pain)

Accidental Death and Dismemberment including fight accident coverage

Up to sum insured or $150,0000 maximum

Repatriation when approved in advance by Ontime Care

Cost of one-way economy airfare or additional airline seats for stretcher or medical attendant

Preparation and return of remains in the event of death

Up to $10,000

Premium Price
with stable pre-existing conditions coverage option 0 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
Up to 25 $1.70 $2.04 $2.27 $2.49 $3.59 $4.30
26-40 $1.86 $2.22 $2.49 $2.74 $4.02 $4.66
41-60 $2.14 $2.55 $2.86 $3.11 $4.95 $5.75
61-64 $2.44 $3.11 $3.73 $4.02 $4.98 $6.16
65-69 $3.00 $3.91 $4.72 $5.09 $5.94 $7.40
70-74 $4.85 $6.32 $7.60 $8.35 $9.79 $12.17
75-79 $5.80 $7.54 $8.96 $9.88 $11.59 $14.41
80-85 $11.48 N/A $17.76 $19.58 $22.95 N/A
86+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


without stable pre-existing conditions coverage option 0 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
70-74 $3.82 $4.99 $5.99 $6.59 $8.12 N/A
75-79 $4.59 $5.98 $7.11 $7.83 $10.32 N/A
80-85 $6.23 $7.88 $9.69 $10.43 $13.94 N/A
86+ $9.57 $12.37 $14.90 $16.40 $22.30 N/A


with stable pre-existing conditions coverage option 100 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
Up to 25 $1.62 $1.94 $2.16 $2.37 $3.41 $4.09
26-40 $1.77 $2.11 $2.37 $2.60 $3.82 $4.43
41-60 $2.03 $2.42 $2.72 $2.95 $4.70 $5.46
61-64 $2.32 $2.95 $3.54 $3.82 $4.73 $5.85
65-69 $2.85 $3.71 $4.48 $4.84 $5.64 $7.03
70-74 $4.61 $6.00 $7.22 $7.93 $9.30 $11.56
75-79 $5.51 $7.16 $8.51 $9.39 $11.01 $13.69
80-85 $10.91 N/A $16.87 $18.60 $21.80 N/A
86+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


without stable pre-existing conditions coverage option 100 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
70-74 $3.63 $4.74 $5.69 $6.26 $7.71 N/A
75-79 $4.36 $5.68 $6.75 $7.44 $9.80 N/A
80-85 $5.92 $7.49 $9.21 $9.91 $13.24 N/A
86+ $9.09 $11.75 $14.16 $15.58 $21.19 N/A


with stable pre-existing conditions coverage option 1000 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
Up to 25 $1.36 $1.63 $1.82 $1.99 $2.87 $3.44
26-40 $1.49 $1.78 $1.99 $2.19 $3.22 $3.73
41-60 $1.71 $2.04 $2.29 $2.49 $3.96 $4.60
61-64 $1.95 $2.49 $2.98 $3.22 $3.98 $4.93
65-69 $2.40 $3.13 $3.78 $4.07 $4.75 $5.92
70-74 $3.88 $5.06 $6.08 $6.68 $7.83 $9.74
75-79 $4.64 $6.03 $7.17 $7.90 $9.27 $11.53
80-85 $9.18 N/A $14.21 $15.66 $18.36 N/A
86+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


without stable pre-existing conditions coverage option 1000 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
70-74 $3.06 $3.99 $4.79 $5.27 $6.50 N/A
75-79 $3.67 $4.78 $5.69 $6.26 $8.26 N/A
80-85 $4.98 $6.30 $7.75 $8.34 $11.15 N/A
86+ $7.66 $9.90 $11.92 $13.12 $17.84 N/A


with stable pre-existing conditions coverage option $2500 deductible 
  $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
Up to 25 N/A N/A $1.59 $1.87 N/A N/A
26-40 N/A N/A $1.74 $2.06 N/A N/A
41-60 N/A N/A $2.00 $2.33 N/A N/A
61-64 N/A N/A $2.61 $3.02 N/A N/A
65-69 N/A N/A $3.30 $3.82 N/A N/A
70-74 N/A N/A $5.32 $6.26 N/A N/A
75-79 N/A N/A $6.27 $7.41 N/A N/A
80-85 N/A N/A $12.43 $14.69 N/A N/A
86+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


without stable pre-existing conditions coverage option $2500 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
70-74 N/A N/A $4.61 $6.09 N/A N/A
75-79 N/A N/A $5.48 $7.74 N/A N/A
80-85 N/A N/A $7.30 $10.46 N/A N/A
86+ N/A N/A $11.48 $16.73 N/A N/A


with stable pre-existing conditions coverage option$3,000 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
Up to 25 $1.19 $1.43 $1.59 $1.74 $2.51 $3.01
26-40 $1.30 $1.55 $1.74 $1.92 $2.81 $3.26
41-60 $1.50 $1.79 $2.00 $2.18 $3.47 $4.03
61-64 $1.71 $2.18 $2.61 $2.81 $3.49 $4.31
65-69 $2.10 $2.74 $3.30 $3.56 $4.16 $5.18
70-74 $3.40 $4.42 $5.32 $5.85 $6.85 $8.52
75-79 $4.06 $5.28 $6.27 $6.92 $8.11 $10.09
80-85 $8.04 N/A $12.43 $13.71 $16.07 N/A
86+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


without stable pre-existing conditions coverage option $3,000 deductible 
Age $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
70-74 $2.67 $3.49 $4.19 $4.61 $5.68 N/A
75-79 $3.21 $4.19 $4.98 $5.48 $7.22 N/A
80-85 $4.36 $5.52 $6.78 $7.30 $9.76 N/A
86+ $6.70 $8.66 $10.43 $11.48 $15.61 N/A


Coverage $100,000 with pre-existing option Super Visa insurance 
deductible $0 $100 $1,000 $3,000
41-60 $1,806.75 $1,716.41 $1,445.40 $1,264.73
61-64 $1,817.70 $1,726.82 $1,454.16 $1,272.39
65-69 $2,168.10 $2,059.70 $1,734.48 $1,517.67
70-74 $3,573.35 $3,394.68 $2,858.68 $2,501.35
75-79 $4,230.35 $4,018.83 $3,384.28 $2,961.25
80-85 $8,376.75 $7,957.91 $6,701.40 $5,863.73
Purchase Insurance

Method 1. buy online

Method 2. You don't need to come to the office to meet me, you only need all the information and email([email protected]/  [email protected]) or call (416-834-9204; 905-771-8288;604-637-2195;1-877-834-9204),You can get the  electronical  Confirmation of insurance the same day.


Method 3.You can also call me to  make an appointment , then I will explain it to you in detail before you purchase it. 

A. The information I need :
1.The insured Last and First name, Gender, Date of Birth 
2.The date of entering to Canada or the effective date of the insurance  ;  
3.Plan (Which product, coverage , deductible or not) ;  
4.Purchase days (Or you can tell me the starting date and ending date) ; 
5.Beneficiary name ( For AD&D- It can be prarents, siblings and so on)  
6.mailing address in Canada  including Postal code , contact phone No. and email ;

B. Payment method:credit card- No. expiry date , the name of card holder and the 3 digits of  the back of thecard 

application form 


投保日期有限制吗, 一次买多少保险额最合适? 
◦没有,保费是按天计算的,但是每张保单最低保费为$25元.如果探亲老人年龄较大,甚至有慢性病,最好买时间长点,半年或一年,和保额更大些,2.5万或5万。保费通常与受保人的年龄和所购买保险额度及购买天数有关,一般来说,年龄越低,额度越小保费越便宜,相反,年龄越高,保额越大,则保费相对贵一些。在这里请特别注意一点。购买旅游保险 JF Premier Visitor-ETFS 计划的保费是按照申请日的年龄而不是生效日的年龄来计算. 提前购买会为自己节省许多保费。另外对跨年龄段的受保人,在买保险时一定要考虑续保时由于年龄上一个台阶,保费会增加不少,所以更要考虑买长久一点。比如说,年龄从60到61,64到65,69到70,74到75 等等。


key point of claim

JF Royal Visitor to Canada  


Emengency and hospitalized patient claim procedure

Please call  Ontime Care Worldwide Inc.("OTC"). immediately

Canada and USA Toll Free :1-888-988-3268

other country paid phone: 905-918-0188


Don't assume your surrounding people called Ontime Care Worldwide Inc.("OTC").. Before emergecy or hospitalzed treatment, Please notify Ontime Care Worldwide Inc.("OTC") within 24 hours 




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