Why do I need Travel Medical Insurance?

Without travel medical insurance, your two–week vacation budget can easily be blown by something as basic as food poisoning, a dental cavity, or appendicitis. Even across–border day trip to the US can quickly turn into a medical and financial nightmare, as many hospitals in the US won’t treat you without adequate medical coverage or cash up front.

Real-life example 
A 57–year–old Ontario woman, at her Florida vacation home, awoke in the middle of the night with acute abdominal pain. During the early morning hours, she was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with a complete stomach blockage. She underwent immediate surgery and spent the next 5 days in hospital. 

Without Travel Medical Insurance, her out–of–pocket costs would have totalled:$88,200.00

Did you know?

Your provincial health insurance plan does not fully cover you when travellingout–of–province or out–of–country. Outside of Canada, it covers less than 7% of the total cost if you get sick or injured. With protection from Travel Underwriters, you can travel with peace of mind.

Choose Travel Underwriters and Rest Insured.

Travel Medical Insurance:

  • Covers injury or sickness requiring an emergency hospital stay or emergency medical treatment while travelling outside your home province/territory or abroad
  • Maximum coverage: $5,000,000 (CAD)





Why do I need insurance?
Who can buy
必须是加拿大居民,并且有居住地省份或地区的政府医疗保险计划。 如果您没有政府医疗保险计划,原来由政府医疗保险索赔的部分不在本保险范围之内。
主要保障 最高賠償金額
  • $5000,000
  • 包括因生病或受傷所接受的住院或非住院治療
  • 合法持牌的醫生,麻醉師,註冊護士服務
  • 私人看護
  • X 光檢查及化驗服務
  • 醫療設備租用
  • 限定30天的用量
  • 包括山林和海上拯救
  • 牙痛,最高賠償$500
  • 意外受傷,最高賠償$4,000
  • 每天$50, 最高$500醫院附加費
  • 最高賠償金額依保險條款規定,包括空中緊急救護,擔架或單程經濟客位交通費
  • 如果您因為醫療原因返回加拿大,賠償您的旅行同伴最高$3,000單程經濟客位交通費。
  • 如果您因為醫療原因返回加拿大,賠償同行18歲以下的子女單程經濟客位交通費。
  • 最高賠償$10,000
  • 在當地土葬或火葬,最高賠償$4,000 (棺木或骨灰盒的費用除外)
  • 若受保人住院,賠償一張往返經濟客位的親屬交通費
  • 親屬食宿費最高賠償每天$150
  • 每天$400, 最高賠償$4,000 
  • 最高賠償$4,000
  • 如果您因為醫療原因被送回家鄉但緊急情況已解決,賠償單程回原本旅行的經濟客位交通費
  • 最高賠償$300




Deductible Surcharge/Discount on premium
$0 +15%
$300 automatic
$500 -5%
$1,000 -10%
$2,000 -20%
$5,000 -30%
$50,000 -65%
$100,000 -75%


The following is the daily rate for $300 deductible,   Minimum Premium  needs  $25 to be processed  and $15 for within Canada

World wide excluding USA  Rate 1

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Individual Rates
0-40 $2.04 $2.39 $2.75 $2.75 $2.75
41-55 $2.67 $2.87 $3.09 $2.46 $3.09
56-59 $3.09 $3.42 $3.76 $3.76 $3.76
Family Rates (based on age of oldest family member)
0-40 4.08 4.79 5.49 5.49 5.49
41-55 5.34 5.75 6.18 6.18 6.18
56-59 6.18 6.84 7.52 7.52 7.52

Person 60-89 Years must answer the   questionaire     to  determine rate  Rate1

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $3.15 $4.10 $4.47 n/a $4.47
65-69 $3.76 $4.74 $5.84 n/a $5.84
70-74 $5.62 $6.78 $7.66 n/a $7.66
75-79 $8.90 $9.60 $10.96 n/a $10.96
80-84 $15.06 $15.74 $17.81 n/a $17.81
85-89 $19.16 $22.58 $23.29 n/a $23.29

Rate 2

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $3.76 $4.10 $4.66 n/a $4.66
65-69 $4.53 $4.92 $6.12 n/a $6.12
70-74 $6.37 $6.99 $8.05 n/a $8.05
75-79 $9.94 $10.62 $11.50 n/a $11.50
80-84 $17.12 $17.81 $18.70 n/a $18.70
85-89 $21.91 $23.71 $24.44 n/a $24.44

Rate 3

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $5.47 $6.51 $6.85 n/a $6.85
65-69 $6.73 $7.55 $8.56 n/a $8.56
70-74 $9.04 $10.05 $11.65 n/a $11.65
75-79 $13.69 $15.06 $16.44 n/a $16.44
80-84 $25.34 $25.67 $26.04 n/a $26.04
85-89 $30.13 $32.87 $34.23 n/a $34.23

Rate 4 

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $6.85 $7.55 $8.23 n/a $8.23
65-69 $8.90 $9.27 $10.27 n/a $10.27
70-74 $11.91 $12.32 $13.36 n/a $13.36
75-79 $19.16 $19.85 $20.82 n/a $20.82
80-84 $32.87 $35.60 $36.97 n/a $36.97
85-89 $45.19 $47.94 $51.36 n/a $51.36

Rate 5

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $8.90 $9.60 $9.70 n/a $9.70
65-69 $12.32 $13.36 $13.69 n/a $13.69
70-74 $16.44 $17.12 $18.70 n/a $18.70
75-79 $26.71 $27.38 $28.75 n/a $28.75
80-84 $41.09 $41.77 $43.14 n/a $43.14
85-89 $57.52 $64.72 $69.04 n/a $69.04

Rate 6

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $15.58 $16.78 $17.45 n/a $17.45
65-69 $21.57 $23.29 $23.96 n/a $23.96
70-74 $28.75 $30.13 $32.87 n/a $32.87
75-79 $46.73 $47.94 $48.30 n/a $48.30
80-84 $71.90 $73.10 $75.48 n/a $75.48
85-89 $100.66 $113.24 $120.79 n/a $120.79

*212 days in Ontario. The insured age 60 and over for invidual rates should fill questionaire and chooses the rate category( quesiotnaire form and relative rate availble at the attachment)

Worldwide including USA  Rate 1

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Individual Rates
0-40 $2.29 $2.66 $3.04 $3.04 $3.04
41-55 $2.98 $3.20 $3.42 $3.42 $3.42
56-59 $3.42 $3.80 $4.18 $4.18 $4.18
Family Rates (based on age of oldest family member)
0-40 $4.58 $5.31 $6.09 $6.09 $6.09
41-55 $5.95 $6.41 $6.84 $6.84 $6.84
56-59 $6.84 $7.59 $8.37 $8.37 $8.37

Person 60-89 Years must answer the questionaire to determine rate  Rate1

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $3.50 $4.56 $4.94 n/a $4.94
65-69 $4.18 $5.24 $6.48 n/a $6.48
70-74 $6.25 $7.55 $8.52 n/a $8.52
75-79 $9.90 $10.65 $12.18 n/a $12.18
80-84 $16.75 $17.51 $19.79 n/a $19.79
85-89 $21.31 $25.10 $25.87 n/a $25.87

Rate 2

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $4.18 $4.56 $5.19 n/a $5.19
65-69 $5.03 $5.47 $6.78 n/a $6.78
70-74 $7.09 $7.76 $8.94 n/a $8.94
75-79 $11.04 $11.79 $12.79 n/a $12.79
80-84 $19.03 $19.79 $20.78 n/a $20.78
85-89 $24.35 $26.37 $27.17 n/a $27.17

Rate 3

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $6.09 $7.23 $7.62 n/a $7.62
65-69 $7.44 $8.37 $9.51 n/a $9.51
70-74 $10.03 $11.17 $12.94 n/a $12.94
75-79 $15.22 $16.75 $18.26 n/a $18.26
80-84 $28.16 $28.51 $28.92 n/a $28.92
85-89 $33.48 $36.51 $38.04 n/a $38.04

Rate 4

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $7.62 $8.37 $9.13 n/a $9.13
65-69 $9.90 $10.27 $11.41 n/a $11.41
70-74 $13.25 $13.69 $14.83 n/a $14.83
75-79 $21.31 $22.07 $23.12 n/a $23.12
80-84 $36.51 $39.57 $41.09 n/a $41.09
85-89 $50.23 $53.26 $57.07 n/a $57.07

Rate 5

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $9.90 $10.65 $10.80 n/a $10.80
65-69 $13.69 $14.83 $15.22 n/a $15.22
70-74 $18.26 $19.03 $20.78 n/a $20.78
75-79 $29.67 $30.44 $31.95 n/a $31.95
80-84 $45.66 $46.41 $47.94 n/a $47.94
85-89 $63.92 $71.90 $76.70 n/a $76.70

Rate 6

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $17.32 $18.65 $19.40 n/a $19.40
65-69 $23.96 $25.87 $26.63 n/a $26.63
70-74 $31.95 $33.48 $36.51 n/a $36.51
75-79 $51.94 $53.26 $53.68 n/a $53.68
80-84 $79.89 $81.24 $83.89 n/a $83.89
85-89 $111.85 $125.81 $134.20 n/a $134.20


*212 days in Ontario.  The insured age 60 and over for invidual rates should fill questionaire and chooses the rate category( quesiotnaire  form and relative rate availble at the attachment) 

Deductible Discount
0 +15%
$300 0
$500 -5%
$1,000 -10%
$2,000 -20%
$5,000 -30%
$50,000 -65%
$100,000 -75%

Within Canada 

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Individual Rates
0-40 $0.68 $0.80 $0.91 $0.91   $0.91    
41-55 $0.89 $0.96 $1.03 $1.03 $1.03
56-59 $1.03 $1.14 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25
60-64 $1.05 $1.37 $1.48 n/a $1.48
65-69 $1.25 $1.57 $1.94 n/a $1.94
70-74 $1.87 $2.27 $2.55 n/a $2.55
75-79 $2.96 $3.19 $3.65 n/a $3.65
80-84 $5.03 $5.26 $5.94 n/a $5.94
85-89 $6.40 $7.54 $7.76 n/a $7.76
Family Rates (based on age of oldest family member)
0-40 $1.38 $1.60 $1.82 $1.82 $1.82
41-55 $1.79 $1.93 $2.05 $2.05 $2.05
56-59 $2.05 $2.28 $2.51 $2.51 $2.51

*212 days in Ontario.







Why do I need insurance?
Who can buy
必须是加拿大居民,并且有居住地省份或地区的政府医疗保险计划。 如果您没有政府医疗保险计划,原来由政府医疗保险索赔的部分不在本保险范围之内。
主要保障 最高賠償金額
  • $5000,000
  • 包括因生病或受傷所接受的住院或非住院治療
  • 合法持牌的醫生,麻醉師,註冊護士服務
  • 私人看護
  • X 光檢查及化驗服務
  • 醫療設備租用
  • 限定30天的用量
  • 包括山林和海上拯救
  • 牙痛,最高賠償$500
  • 意外受傷,最高賠償$4,000
  • 每天$50, 最高$500醫院附加費
  • 最高賠償金額依保險條款規定,包括空中緊急救護,擔架或單程經濟客位交通費
  • 如果您因為醫療原因返回加拿大,賠償您的旅行同伴最高$3,000單程經濟客位交通費。
  • 如果您因為醫療原因返回加拿大,賠償同行18歲以下的子女單程經濟客位交通費。
  • 最高賠償$10,000
  • 在當地土葬或火葬,最高賠償$4,000 (棺木或骨灰盒的費用除外)
  • 若受保人住院,賠償一張往返經濟客位的親屬交通費
  • 親屬食宿費最高賠償每天$150
  • 每天$400, 最高賠償$4,000 
  • 最高賠償$4,000
  • 如果您因為醫療原因被送回家鄉但緊急情況已解決,賠償單程回原本旅行的經濟客位交通費
  • 最高賠償$300


Price List


Deductible Surcharge/Discount on premium
$0 +15%
$300 automatic
$500 -5%
$1,000 -10%
$2,000 -20%
$5,000 -30%
$50,000 -65%
$100,000 -75%


The following is the daily rate for $300 deductible,   Minimum Premium  needs  $25 to be processed  and $15 for within Canada

World wide excluding USA  Rate 1

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Individual Rates
0-40 $2.04 $2.39 $2.75 $2.75 $2.75
41-55 $2.67 $2.87 $3.09 $2.46 $3.09
56-59 $3.09 $3.42 $3.76 $3.76 $3.76
Family Rates (based on age of oldest family member)
0-40 4.08 4.79 5.49 5.49 5.49
41-55 5.34 5.75 6.18 6.18 6.18
56-59 6.18 6.84 7.52 7.52 7.52

Person 60-89 Years must answer the   questionaire     to  determine rate  Rate1

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $3.15 $4.10 $4.47 n/a $4.47
65-69 $3.76 $4.74 $5.84 n/a $5.84
70-74 $5.62 $6.78 $7.66 n/a $7.66
75-79 $8.90 $9.60 $10.96 n/a $10.96
80-84 $15.06 $15.74 $17.81 n/a $17.81
85-89 $19.16 $22.58 $23.29 n/a $23.29

Rate 2

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $3.76 $4.10 $4.66 n/a $4.66
65-69 $4.53 $4.92 $6.12 n/a $6.12
70-74 $6.37 $6.99 $8.05 n/a $8.05
75-79 $9.94 $10.62 $11.50 n/a $11.50
80-84 $17.12 $17.81 $18.70 n/a $18.70
85-89 $21.91 $23.71 $24.44 n/a $24.44

Rate 3

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $5.47 $6.51 $6.85 n/a $6.85
65-69 $6.73 $7.55 $8.56 n/a $8.56
70-74 $9.04 $10.05 $11.65 n/a $11.65
75-79 $13.69 $15.06 $16.44 n/a $16.44
80-84 $25.34 $25.67 $26.04 n/a $26.04
85-89 $30.13 $32.87 $34.23 n/a $34.23

Rate 4 

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $6.85 $7.55 $8.23 n/a $8.23
65-69 $8.90 $9.27 $10.27 n/a $10.27
70-74 $11.91 $12.32 $13.36 n/a $13.36
75-79 $19.16 $19.85 $20.82 n/a $20.82
80-84 $32.87 $35.60 $36.97 n/a $36.97
85-89 $45.19 $47.94 $51.36 n/a $51.36

Rate 5

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $8.90 $9.60 $9.70 n/a $9.70
65-69 $12.32 $13.36 $13.69 n/a $13.69
70-74 $16.44 $17.12 $18.70 n/a $18.70
75-79 $26.71 $27.38 $28.75 n/a $28.75
80-84 $41.09 $41.77 $43.14 n/a $43.14
85-89 $57.52 $64.72 $69.04 n/a $69.04

Rate 6

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $15.58 $16.78 $17.45 n/a $17.45
65-69 $21.57 $23.29 $23.96 n/a $23.96
70-74 $28.75 $30.13 $32.87 n/a $32.87
75-79 $46.73 $47.94 $48.30 n/a $48.30
80-84 $71.90 $73.10 $75.48 n/a $75.48
85-89 $100.66 $113.24 $120.79 n/a $120.79

*212 days in Ontario. The insured age 60 and over for invidual rates should fill questionaire and chooses the rate category( quesiotnaire form and relative rate availble at the attachment)

Worldwide including USA  Rate 1

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Individual Rates
0-40 $2.29 $2.66 $3.04 $3.04 $3.04
41-55 $2.98 $3.20 $3.42 $3.42 $3.42
56-59 $3.42 $3.80 $4.18 $4.18 $4.18
Family Rates (based on age of oldest family member)
0-40 $4.58 $5.31 $6.09 $6.09 $6.09
41-55 $5.95 $6.41 $6.84 $6.84 $6.84
56-59 $6.84 $7.59 $8.37 $8.37 $8.37

Person 60-89 Years must answer the questionaire to determine rate  Rate1

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $3.50 $4.56 $4.94 n/a $4.94
65-69 $4.18 $5.24 $6.48 n/a $6.48
70-74 $6.25 $7.55 $8.52 n/a $8.52
75-79 $9.90 $10.65 $12.18 n/a $12.18
80-84 $16.75 $17.51 $19.79 n/a $19.79
85-89 $21.31 $25.10 $25.87 n/a $25.87

Rate 2

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $4.18 $4.56 $5.19 n/a $5.19
65-69 $5.03 $5.47 $6.78 n/a $6.78
70-74 $7.09 $7.76 $8.94 n/a $8.94
75-79 $11.04 $11.79 $12.79 n/a $12.79
80-84 $19.03 $19.79 $20.78 n/a $20.78
85-89 $24.35 $26.37 $27.17 n/a $27.17

Rate 3

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $6.09 $7.23 $7.62 n/a $7.62
65-69 $7.44 $8.37 $9.51 n/a $9.51
70-74 $10.03 $11.17 $12.94 n/a $12.94
75-79 $15.22 $16.75 $18.26 n/a $18.26
80-84 $28.16 $28.51 $28.92 n/a $28.92
85-89 $33.48 $36.51 $38.04 n/a $38.04

Rate 4

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $7.62 $8.37 $9.13 n/a $9.13
65-69 $9.90 $10.27 $11.41 n/a $11.41
70-74 $13.25 $13.69 $14.83 n/a $14.83
75-79 $21.31 $22.07 $23.12 n/a $23.12
80-84 $36.51 $39.57 $41.09 n/a $41.09
85-89 $50.23 $53.26 $57.07 n/a $57.07

Rate 5

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $9.90 $10.65 $10.80 n/a $10.80
65-69 $13.69 $14.83 $15.22 n/a $15.22
70-74 $18.26 $19.03 $20.78 n/a $20.78
75-79 $29.67 $30.44 $31.95 n/a $31.95
80-84 $45.66 $46.41 $47.94 n/a $47.94
85-89 $63.92 $71.90 $76.70 n/a $76.70

Rate 6

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Single Person-Daily Rates
60-64 $17.32 $18.65 $19.40 n/a $19.40
65-69 $23.96 $25.87 $26.63 n/a $26.63
70-74 $31.95 $33.48 $36.51 n/a $36.51
75-79 $51.94 $53.26 $53.68 n/a $53.68
80-84 $79.89 $81.24 $83.89 n/a $83.89
85-89 $111.85 $125.81 $134.20 n/a $134.20


*212 days in Ontario.  The insured age 60 and over for invidual rates should fill questionaire and chooses the rate category( quesiotnaire  form and relative rate availble at the attachment) 

Deductible Discount
0 +15%
$300 0
$500 -5%
$1,000 -10%
$2,000 -20%
$5,000 -30%
$50,000 -65%
$100,000 -75%

Within Canada 

Age Length of Stay
0-65 days 66-125 days 126-182* 183-365 EXt.
Individual Rates
0-40 $0.68 $0.80 $0.91 $0.91   $0.91    
41-55 $0.89 $0.96 $1.03 $1.03 $1.03
56-59 $1.03 $1.14 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25
60-64 $1.05 $1.37 $1.48 n/a $1.48
65-69 $1.25 $1.57 $1.94 n/a $1.94
70-74 $1.87 $2.27 $2.55 n/a $2.55
75-79 $2.96 $3.19 $3.65 n/a $3.65
80-84 $5.03 $5.26 $5.94 n/a $5.94
85-89 $6.40 $7.54 $7.76 n/a $7.76
Family Rates (based on age of oldest family member)
0-40 $1.38 $1.60 $1.82 $1.82 $1.82
41-55 $1.79 $1.93 $2.05 $2.05 $2.05
56-59 $2.05 $2.28 $2.51 $2.51 $2.51

*212 days in Ontario.


Claim procedure



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