Do you know health care cost in Canada is very expensive?

Hospital in Canada can charge thousands of dollars per day. Many of them charge a service fee to person not covered under a Provincial Health Care program. Without insurance, you and your family could be responsible for these high costs, which can create a severe financial burden. Some hospitals won't even admit patients without proper health insurance.

Don't wait for something to happen.

Sickness or Accidental injury can happen any time. Don't take your health for granted. Get peace of mind. Get International Student Hospital/Medical coverage. Every time you travel outside of your home country, you may be leaving the benefits and coverage of your home health plan behind.

In fact, 'Citizenship and Immigration Canada' recommends

that all international students studying in Canada purchase health coverage when they arrive in the country as foreign students may not be eligible for provincial health care plan.

      Our company provides the most comprehensive and affordable International Student Insurance
                                                                 Plans to meet your needs. 


在申请日, 您的年龄必须小于66岁 非加拿​​大公民或移民,


why do you need it?
Sickness or Accidental injury can happen any time. Don't take your health for granted. Get peace of mind. Get International Student Hospital/Medical coverage. Every time you travel outside of your home country, you may be leaving the benefits and coverage of your home health plan behind.
Do you know health care cost in Canada is very expensive?
Hospital in Canada can charge thousands of dollars per day. Many of them charge a service fee to person not covered under a Provincial Health Care program. Without insurance, you and your family could be responsible for these high costs, which can create a severe financial burden.
Don't wait for something to happen.
Sickness or Accidental injury can happen any time. Don't take your health for granted. Get peace of mind. Get International Student Hospital/Medical coverage. Every time you travel outside of your home country, you may be leaving the benefits and coverage of your home health plan behind.

Maximum liability: $1,000,000 CAD

Minimum premium: $20 CAD per insured

No deductible

Maximum period of coverage: 365 days

Worldwide travel coverage
Provided the majority (51%) of your period of coverage is spent in Canada except the country of origin (Visit to the U.S.A is limited to 30 days)

Pre-existing condition
Pre-existing conditions are covered if stable in the 90 days prior to effective date of the policy

Waiting period
No coverage if sickness or injury is confining you to hospital or that is under active treatment on the effective date of the policy

Hospital accommodation
Up to 60 days per sickness or injury / semi-private room / out-patient consultations

Psychiatric treatment
Up to $10,000 CAD when admitted to hospital
Up to $1,000 CAD for out-patient consultations

Physician charges: medical treatment by a physician

Diagnosis services: laboratory test and X-rays

Trauma counseling:  6 sessions

Paramedical services: up to $500 CAD per profession
Speech therapist, physiotherapist, osteopath, naturopath, acupuncturist, chiropractor, chiropodist, podiatrist

Prescription Drugs: limited to 30 days supply per prescription

Private duty nursing: up to $10,000 CAD per sickness or injury

Medical appliances
Crutches, casts, splints, canes, and other
Up to $200 CAD for prescription glasses or contact lenses
Up to $300 for hearing aids, when required after an emergency for which hospitalization was required

Treatment of dental accident: up to $4,000 CAD

Emergency relief of dental pain: up to $600 CAD
When a minimum of 180 days of coverage has been purchased

Impacted wisdom tooth: up to $100 CAD per tooth for extraction of wisdom teeth

Ambulance services: when medically necessary

Emergency air transportation: when approved in advance and medically necessary

Family transportation and subsistence allowance: Up to $5,000 CAD
For single round-trip economy airfare for one immediate family member including $150 per day for meals and accommodations

Return to country of origin: up to $5,000 CAD
For one-way economy airfare for return to home country for immediate medical care

Preparation and return of remains: up to $10,000 CAD

Annual medical examination:
When a minimum of 180 days of coverage has been purchased
Up to $100 CAD for one examination and related tests
Up to $100 CAD for one consultation for the prescription of the morning after pill

Maternity: up to $1,000 CAD
For emergency and non-emergency medical care related to a pregnancy (excludes childbirth and voluntary termination of pregnancy)
The pregnancy must start after the effective date

Eye examination:  
When a minimum of 180 days of coverage has been purchased
$100 CAD per an eye examination by an optometrist or ophthalmologist

Psychologist: up to $500 CAD

Accessibility corrective device, malfunction and theft protection
Up to $1,000 CAD replace or repair a corrective device

Accidental death: $15,000 CAD

Accidental dismemberment or total permanent loss of use of limb or sight: up to $15,000 CAD

Air flight/common carrier accident: up to $100,000 CAD in case of death


Company Daily rate Annual Rate
RSA (Student) $1.55 $565.75



Company Policy Wording Claim Form Claim Procedure
RSA RSA Policy Wording RSA  Claim Form RSA Claim Procedure


In the event of hospitalization, you must contact Global Excel within 48 hours of admission. Failure to make such notification will limit the total amount payable to 80% of all eligible expenses incurred

The claims representatives are here to assist you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

In Canada & USA: 1-800-715-8833
From Mexico:  001-800-514-1518
From anywhere: 819-566-8839 

1. You can buy online. click 

2. Please prepare the following information and email  it to( or call (416-834-9204; 905-771-8288;604-637-2195;1-877-834-9204),And you will receive the e- Confirmation of insurance within one -two hours  ; insurance card,policy,claim documents will be maild to you the same day.

3.If you want to know more detail and would like to meet in person, then we can make an appointment through phone . Then I will explain all the details to you when I meet you. 

The information I need:

1.The insured's last name , first name, date of birth;  

2.the arrival date of Canada and the effective date of the insurance  ;  

3.which plan (company) ;  

4. duration of the insurance( the start  date and the end date of the insurance) ;

5.beneficiary ( For AD&D- family member other than the insured)

6. schoold name and address;

7.Contact address and email (for claim the documents), and phone No. ;

8. Premium paymen information:Credit card/cheque/cash/bank deposit; If pay credit card- please tell me the card No, card holder, expiry date and cvv code ( 3 digits on the back of the card) 

Insurance  Application  Form 




在申请日, 您的年龄必须小于66岁 非加拿​​大公民或移民,


why do you need it?
Sickness or Accidental injury can happen any time. Don't take your health for granted. Get peace of mind. Get International Student Hospital/Medical coverage. Every time you travel outside of your home country, you may be leaving the benefits and coverage of your home health plan behind.
Do you know health care cost in Canada is very expensive?
Hospital in Canada can charge thousands of dollars per day. Many of them charge a service fee to person not covered under a Provincial Health Care program. Without insurance, you and your family could be responsible for these high costs, which can create a severe financial burden.
Don't wait for something to happen.
Sickness or Accidental injury can happen any time. Don't take your health for granted. Get peace of mind. Get International Student Hospital/Medical coverage. Every time you travel outside of your home country, you may be leaving the benefits and coverage of your home health plan behind.

Maximum liability: $1,000,000 CAD

Minimum premium: $20 CAD per insured

No deductible

Maximum period of coverage: 365 days

Worldwide travel coverage
Provided the majority (51%) of your period of coverage is spent in Canada except the country of origin (Visit to the U.S.A is limited to 30 days)

Pre-existing condition
Pre-existing conditions are covered if stable in the 90 days prior to effective date of the policy

Waiting period
No coverage if sickness or injury is confining you to hospital or that is under active treatment on the effective date of the policy


Hospital accommodation
Up to 60 days per sickness or injury / semi-private room / out-patient consultations

Psychiatric treatment
Up to $10,000 CAD when admitted to hospital
Up to $1,000 CAD for out-patient consultations

Physician charges: medical treatment by a physician

Diagnosis services: laboratory test and X-rays

Trauma counseling:  6 sessions

Paramedical services: up to $500 CAD per profession
Speech therapist, physiotherapist, osteopath, naturopath, acupuncturist, chiropractor, chiropodist, podiatrist

Prescription Drugs: limited to 30 days supply per prescription

Private duty nursing: up to $10,000 CAD per sickness or injury

Medical appliances
Crutches, casts, splints, canes, and other
Up to $200 CAD for prescription glasses or contact lenses
Up to $300 for hearing aids, when required after an emergency for which hospitalization was required

Treatment of dental accident: up to $4,000 CAD

Emergency relief of dental pain: up to $600 CAD
When a minimum of 180 days of coverage has been purchased

Impacted wisdom tooth: up to $100 CAD per tooth for extraction of wisdom teeth

Ambulance services: when medically necessary

Emergency air transportation: when approved in advance and medically necessary

Family transportation and subsistence allowance: Up to $5,000 CAD
For single round-trip economy airfare for one immediate family member including $150 per day for meals and accommodations

Return to country of origin: up to $5,000 CAD
For one-way economy airfare for return to home country for immediate medical care

Preparation and return of remains: up to $10,000 CAD

Annual medical examination:
When a minimum of 180 days of coverage has been purchased
Up to $100 CAD for one examination and related tests
Up to $100 CAD for one consultation for the prescription of the morning after pill

Maternity: up to $1,000 CAD
For emergency and non-emergency medical care related to a pregnancy (excludes childbirth and voluntary termination of pregnancy)
The pregnancy must start after the effective date

Eye examination:  
When a minimum of 180 days of coverage has been purchased
$100 CAD per an eye examination by an optometrist or ophthalmologist

Psychologist: up to $500 CAD

Accessibility corrective device, malfunction and theft protection
Up to $1,000 CAD replace or repair a corrective device

Accidental death: $15,000 CAD

Accidental dismemberment or total permanent loss of use of limb or sight: up to $15,000 CAD

Air flight/common carrier accident: up to $100,000 CAD in case of death


In the event of hospitalization, you must contact Global Excel within 48 hours of admission. Failure to make such notification will limit the total amount payable to 80% of all eligible expenses incurred

The claims representatives are here to assist you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

In Canada & USA: 1-800-715-8833
From Mexico:  001-800-514-1518
From anywhere: 819-566-8839 


1. You can buy online. click 

2. Please prepare the following information and email  it to( or call (416-834-9204; 905-771-8288;604-637-2195;1-877-834-9204),And you will receive the e- Confirmation of insurance within one -two hours  ; insurance card,policy,claim documents will be maild to you the same day.

3.If you want to know more detail and would like to meet in person, then we can make an appointment through phone . Then I will explain all the details to you when I meet you. 

The information I need:

1.The insured's last name , first name, date of birth;  

2.the arrival date of Canada and the effective date of the insurance  ;  

3.which plan (company) ;  

4. duration of the insurance( the start  date and the end date of the insurance) ;

5.beneficiary ( For AD&D- family member other than the insured)

6. schoold name and address;

7.Contact address and email (for claim the documents), and phone No. ;

8. Premium paymen information:Credit card/cheque/cash/bank deposit; If pay credit card- please tell me the card No, card holder, expiry date and cvv code ( 3 digits on the back of the card) 

Insurance  Application  Form 




Company Daily rate Annual Rate
RSA (Student) $1.55 $565.75



Company Policy Wording Claim Form Claim Procedure
RSA RSA Policy Wording RSA  Claim Form RSA Claim Procedure


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