Sunday, April 12 2015
The pond is beautiful, isn't it?  It is almost in the Mid-April, still no green. This year is a long old winter. There are few cars in Sunday morning. So quiet. There are only calls from wild ducks and geese. 
Monday, January 12 2015
  It was a sunny day Some friends rent a car from the hotel, as you can see in the following map: The routine is so simple.    You can aslo rent a car through local car rental company. 
Tuesday, January 06 2015
出去玩大家最關心的是吃和活動,我們這次應該說吃的還可以,活動還算豐富。去古巴玩,大家最擔心吃的問題,上次我有朋友去,吃的不是太好,最後全家拉肚子-好好的度假就給毀了。 我們這次酒店有正餐和自助餐,正餐我們只吃過一個晚上,因為孩子們不太喜歡,等的時間長,吃的花樣少。所以我們只吃了一次,其他都在 自助餐館解決。吃的還很舒心和安心。
Tuesday, January 06 2015
Friday, January 02 2015
2014年的圣诞期间我们一行八家大大小小一共30人自由组织去古巴游玩,庞大的队伍,让我们自己都惊讶网络的力量。 12.21 这一天是我们最清闲的一天。 清早6:30,习惯早起的我再也睡不觉了,于是穿上运动服,去晨跑,说是晨跑,应该是漫步,因为风景太靓,空气太清新,忍不住放慢脚步;当然拿着手机也时不时拍2张。 
Friday, January 02 2015
It is the last day of 2014. May my husband have a good business and healthy in 2015 May my son study day and day up and have a good health; Today it is my daughter's birthday, Happy birthday My dear daughter.  May you are healthy and  get a good achivement in your studay and draw more good pictures. 
